Guano Island

I was awake early, so I decided to trudge on over to the pier and see if I could catch the sunrise. It turned out to be a dud but the morning was still and lovely. I watched the small diving birds going after the schools of minnows that congregate along the rocks that surround the pier. They would set their sights and swim down six or so feet to the bottom and race along chasing the fleeing fish. The sun was beginning to warm the day, the sea was calm and there were only a few fishermen out in their small pangas. It was lining up to be another spectacular day in Guaymas.

Breakfast of bird champions

I returned to the RV and sat outside having breakfast. The owner of the large rig next to me had passed away and his daughter and son in law have been getting things in order and preparing to drive it back up to the states. They are a friendly and interesting couple from Utah just a few years younger than me. The finishing touches were completed today and they went out with another RVer to test their big rig driving skills. Wishing them the best on the journey home.

There is an island a mile or so off shore that for some reason, I decided I needed to circumnavigate. I filled up a bottle with electrolyte mix and started paddling. It took about 40 minutes to get there, passing a few of the panga crews on the way out. On the back side of the island flocks of cormorants were resting on the guano coated rocks. The white bluffs had a winter snow look to them.

That’s the island on the right

Remnants of the Wolf Moon

I came around the far side and worked my way a little to the north to the center of the bay before turning right and following the shore back to Hotel Cortez. I jumped in the water in our little inlet to cool off then sat on the board finishing my drink before paddling in. The benches on the dock are a great place to dry off and enjoy the view of the gulf.

I had planned to ride into town to pick up some bait for fishing in the evening but somehow I never left the compound. I got to know the few neighbors near me and played the guitar out under the awning while Cali roamed freely chasing the occasional cat. As the sun went down I face timed PJ and took her for a walk down to the water to give her a digital seat for watching the sunset. Afterwards, I took it slow and hand fed the finicky pup.

2 thoughts on “Guano Island

  1. What a good hubby and daddy you are to share the sunset with PJ and to hand feed Cali. Tomorrow we gals are going to Kim’s for lunch after our business meeting. Hopefully we can send a picture to you. Enjoy your board. Love, Meema


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